Seems like the president’s speech to the kids yesterday has caused a stir. As my favorite cartoon character Bugs would say, what’s all the hub bub…bub?
I don’t have a problem with our kids getting a motivational speech by the President of the United States. The message was outstanding, exactly what our school children need to hear.
Most of the local schools in Anderson have decided that the timing was inconvenient (during the lunch period) have have taped the program. The video will be available in the near future.
Some were making a case that President Obama had intended to give a political message and the White House later changed the draft. I’m not sure where this accusation came from; maybe true, maybe not. Whether the draft was altered or not, the final speech was excellent. Basically he pleaded with kids to work hard, study hard, respect your teachers, etc.
My beef is the inconsistent divide from the rhetoric from the policy. His policy says loud and clear: “Government will meet all of your needs; no need to work, somebody else will pay and I will take care of you!”
That’s what steamroller so eloquently rolled out yesterday.