Currently, the SC State Health Plan covers abortions in certain circumstances. Last month, the SC House adopted a budget proviso that prohibits the coverage of abortions except with the life of the mother is in jeopardy. In a 13-7, the Senate Finance Committee removed the House proviso.
On Wednesday 04.29.10, Sen. David Thomas (R-Greenville) offered and amendment to revert back to the House proviso. The 24-17 vote, the proviso was tabled.
Voting to table (against the proviso): Alexander; Campbell; Cleary; Coleman; Courson; Elliott; Fair; Ford; Hutto; Knotts; Land; Leatherman; Leventis; Lourie; Malloy; Martin, Larry; McConnell; Nicholson; O’Dell; Peeler; Rankin; Scott; Setzler; Williams
Voting against the tabling motion (for the proviso) Bright; Bryant; Campsen; Cromer; Davis; Grooms; Hayes; Martin, Shane; Massey; McGill; Mulvaney; Reese; Rose; Ryberg; Shoopman; Thomas; Verdin