I will be a panelist in the Sunshine Week Kick Off at 6 pm on Friday, March 12th. The event will take place at the Civic Center of Anderson in the main ballroom. The Civic Center is located at 3027 MLK, Jr. Boulevard, Anderson, SC 29625.
In early 2009, Anderson County’s website was promoted to an A+ grade by the Sunshine Review for our efforts in making the County’s financial and other pertinent public information available online. Our desire is to continue on the journey to become more open and transparent and to restore our resident’s trust in local government.
Anderson County gets favorable review from Sunshine Review:
- Council members listed and individual contact information is provided. Meeting schedule, minutes, and agendas available.[1]
- Financial audits and budgets available.[2]
- Zoning information[3] and building permits available.[4]
- Administrative officials listed under respective departments.
- The contract bidding process is online.[5]
- Tax assessments and other tax information is available online.[6][7]
- Information on how to make a public records request is provided on the site.[8]
- Lobbying statistics and information are posted on activities from 2002 to 2008.[9]