Working to achieving energy security for our country and holding our elected officials more accountable in shaping energy policies. Join the team sign our Petition Today!
Dear Friends,
The House of Representatives approved the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009—or Waxman-Markey bill— aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and the similarly damaging Kerry-Boxer climate bill was recently introduced in the U.S. Senate. Like the House bill, the Senate’s Kerry-Boxer bill will have a profound impact on Americans’ everyday lives. Simply stated, the legislation will raise energy costs on families, farmers, and businesses, putting South Carolina companies at a competitive disadvantage and killing jobs.
Given the economic challenges we face, the last thing we need is to create a climate for sky-high energy costs. Jobs and the health of the American economy depend on a more balanced approach. Take action and let your voice be heard. Tell Congress to produce a bill that does not harm the economy and includes a more balanced approach to transportation fuels and natural gas.
Sign our Petition by clicking and let our Senators know that we do not want any legislation passed that will be harmful to the residents of South Carolina and our Country.
Who are we? We are SC farmers who know what increased fuel costs mean to the price of food and we are veterans who understand that American energy independence begins with a balanced energy plan that promotes economic growth and small business owners who understand what billions in new energy taxes will do to job creation. Our coalition of concerned SC citizen leaders from all walks of life is ready for a reality check on cap and trade. To be sure, we fully support the unleashing of American ingenuity to develop alternative energy, new nuclear capacity and renewable energy, but we won’t stand for harsh mandates that eliminate jobs and leave us shivering in the cold.
It is critical that your Senators hear from you in opposition to the Waxman-Markey like legislation.
The bills could saddle drivers with dramatically higher fuel costs. The EIA forecasts that the Waxman-Markey climate bill could increase gasoline prices to over $5 a gallon by 2030.
And a new a report shows that the Waxman-Markey climate bill amounts to a $3.6 trillion energy tax on transportation fuels. The study shows that from 2010 to 2050 motorists, workers and businesses would pay $2.0 trillion more for gasoline; truckers, farmers and businesses would pay $1.3 trillion more for diesel fuel; and airline passengers would be charged $330 billion more to pay for jet fuel.
At a time when we can least afford it, this legislation can have the effect of driving up energy costs, creating a competitive disadvantage for American businesses, and imperiling thousands—if not millions—of jobs.
Thank you for your support and please continue to help us defeat any legislation that will cost South Carolina jobs or impact our ability to bring new jobs to the State. You can learn more information about the South Carolina Energy Forum by visiting
Tom Marchant
South Carolina State Chairman