I’m disappointed in the recent vote by the SC House. The House struck the Senate amendments (unanimously adopted) which recognize the Creator and adds a moratorium to state symbols on h. 4482, the bill designating the Columbian Mammoth as the state fossil.
The Senate Amendments to the following Bill were taken up for consideration. H. 4482 by Rep. Ridgeway: A BILL TO AMEND ARTICLE 9, CHAPTER 1, TITLE 1 OF THE 1976 CODE, RELATING TO STATE EMBLEMS, BY ADDING SECTION 1-1-712A, SO AS TO DESIGNATE THE COLUMBIAN MAMMOTH AS THE OFFICIAL STATE FOSSIL.
Rep. RIDGEWAY explained the Senate Amendments.
The yeas and nays were taken resulting as follows:
Yeas 30; Nays 72 Those who voted in the affirmative are: Bales, Bannister, Barfield, Bowers, H. A. Crawford, Crosby, Delleney, Felder, George, Hamilton Harrell, Hayes, Hodges, Jefferson, Kennedy, King, Knight, Limehouse, Loftis, Lucas, W. J. McLeod, Norman, Norrell, Owens, Pope, Putnam,Ridgeway, Simrill, Skelton, Williams Total–30
Those who voted in the negative are: Alexander, Allison, Anderson, Anthony Atwater, Ballentine, Bedingfield, Bernstein, Bingham, Bowen, Branham, Brannon, G. A. Brown, R. L. Brown, Clemmons, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, K. R. Crawford, Daning, Dillard, Douglas, Edge, Erickson, Forrester, Funderburk, Gagnon, Gilliard, Goldfinch, Hardee, Hardwick, Henderson, Herbkersman , Hiott, Horne, Hosey, Huggins, Long, Mack, McCoy, McEachern, M. S. McLeod, Merrill, D. C. Moss, V. S. Moss, Munnerlyn, Murphy, Nanney, Newton, R. L. Ott, Parks, Patrick, Pitts, Quinn, Riley, Rivers, Ryhal, G. R. Smith, J. E. Smith, J. R. Smith, Sottile, Spires, Stavrinakis, Stringer, Tallon, Taylor, Thayer, Toole, Weeks, Wells, White, Willis, Wood
Total–72 The House refused to agree to the Senate Amendments and a message was ordered sent accordingly.