Problem is poor leadership
I read the story in the newspaper that the School District of Pickens County is facing a $5 million deficit next year. The solution from the district office revolves around a layoff for teachers, raising the student-to-teacher ratio in the classroom from 21.5 to 1 to 23 to 1.
This is another tactic by the district office to use the children to get even more money.
This time citizens are demanding the school district cut the fat in their budgets.
Looking at the salary figures, there are eight employees earning more than $100,000 a year. There are nearly 20 earning more than $90,000 a year. Another employee makes more than $80,000. One of the football coaches has 14 assistant coaches, from the split ends coach to the offensive assistant. These fat cats need to take salary reductions to save teacher jobs.
The building program started at $197 million with the bond referendum that was voted down in 2005. The Greenville Plan that the board used to borrow $315 million for buildings, grew to $365 million and now is more than $400 million, and it is only a matter of time until they ask for even more money. The plan is now more thanthree years old and they are just starting to lay the initial bricks for the new schools.
We have very dedicated teachers in our district, but the problem is poor leadership.
Weldon Clark, Liberty