Dear Friends,
As your school trustee, I have worked hard to see that our community’s education dollars are being spent where it matters–in the classroom. I believe that it is my duty as a board member to review the budget and prioritize our spending, instead of increasing property taxes year after year. It has not been easy to stand up against the establishment, but I have always known that I have the support of my community behind me.
I want to thank you for your support and encouragement during my first term on the board. Tonight, I need to ask for your help once again.
Here are some ways to get involved:
**We would like to get teams of volunteers to help go door-to-door in the district. If you are willing to donate even a few hours of your time to help with this, please call me at (864) 220-2827.
**If you live in the district and have not yet received a yard sign or bumper sticker, please let me know and we will get them to you.
**Please vote “Wendy Tucker” in the poll at;
(You may need to scroll down to find it.)
**Please remember me and this campaign in your prayers. I truly believe that it is of the Lord that I won the election four years ago and I know that it is impossible to succeed without the Lord’s help. Please pray that I will have a good testimony and that Christ will be glorified by this endeavor.
May the Lord Bless Each of You!
Wendy Tucker