At 10:30 am, October 14, 1952 Private Calvin Quarles was injured in the Korean War. He was on Company B, 13th Engineer Combat Battalion, 7th Infantry Division, APO 7, Republic of Korea, United States Army.
I was honored to take part in the Purple Heart Medal Presentation at Emmanuel United Methodist Church in Anderson on Sunday March 21st. Also participating were Mr. Sammy Lewis (Veterans Affairs Officer), Rev. Jimmy Washington, and Rep. Don Bowen. Ms. Angie Stringer of Anderson County made this event possible. We had a wonderful time of fellowship and lunch after the service.
Here are my remarks: I would like to thank this Church for giving me the honor of being a part of this presentation. Pastor Washington, I appreciate your stirring message. Rev. Washington spoke about Jesus Christ giving his life for us. Jesus Christ also said (now Pastor, I’m trying to quote this verse from memory) “Greater love hath no man, than he that would give his life for his friend.” 56 years ago,
Rev. Calvin Quarles had a friend. It was me even though I hadn’t been born yet. Rev. Quarles put himself in harms way. Rev. Quarles took a bullet for freedom. Rev. Quarles took a bullet for democracy. Rev. Quarles took a bullet for free elections. Rev. Quarles took a bullet for the freedom to worship. Rev. Quarles took a bullet for the freedom of speech. Rev. Quarles took a bullet for y’all. Rev. Quarles took a bullet for me. Rev. Quarles, I want to thank you personally for taking a bullet for me. Thank you for taking a bullet for the United States of America and for South Carolina. Anderson Independent Mail coverage