You can always count on the left for their consistent inconsistency. A perfect example is Sen. John Kerry registering his boat out of state to pay less taxes.
Here’s another goody for you. On Wednesday morning (08.18.2010), Gov. Sanford signed into law H. 3245 (the 24 hour waiting period) at the Crisis Pregnancy Center in Spartanburg. This is one of 20 crisis centers across South Carolina that offer FREE services, FREE ultrasounds, and FREE counseling to expectant mothers in crisis situations. They even offer FREE post abortive counseling (a condition abortion clinics deny exists).
Evidently, the truth seems to cut into the nations largest for PROFIT abortion provider. Read the response to the signing location:
Planned Parenthood issued the following statement about the signing:
“Mandatory delays are medically unnecessary and wrongly suggest that women make the decision to have an abortion flippantly,” said Jessica Bearden, Director of Public Policy. “We’re disappointed, though not surprised, that Governor Sanford would commemorate the signing of such egregious legislation at a crisis pregnancy center—many of which are notorious for misleading and misinforming women faced with unplanned pregnancies. It’s time that South Carolina’s elected officials stop the constant attacks oncomprehensive reproductive healthcare and instead promote policies that prevent unintended pregnancies and reduce the need for abortion.”
So, as you see its not at all about informed choices, its about the money. Plain and simple.