Tuesday afternoon from 4-4:30 I will join my friend from Orangeburg, Representative Gilda Cobb-Hunter, on the Armstrong Williams Show. This will be exciting especially since I am in the freshman class of the SC Senate with Armstrong’s brother, Senator Kent Williams. The topic will be S. 84 and H. 3355 the bills requiring and ultrasound before abortions. Representative Cobb-Hunter was a strong opponent of this bill in the SC House. Although the final vote was 91-23, there were several amendments calling for exceptions that had very close votes. This will be a very interesting discussion with Gilda, as she has demonstrated her fervor on issues that she is passionate about.
Representative Cobb-Hunter’s contact info:
309C Blatt Bldg. gch@schouse.org
Columbia, 29211 (803) 734-2809