This message is from Mrs. Nancy Campbell, at great patriot for the cause of liberty! I’m honored to have her support.
Dear Young Conservatives,
We are heavy into Primary Season and I have 3 YC Opportunities for you to gain experience, volunteer hours and a personal look into the political process!!:
1) MONDAY, April 23: Anderson County Republican Women; 6:30 County and other local political contenders. If you would like to come and wear a Bryant for Senate T-shirt or lapel sticker, meet at Main Street Deli and look for Meg Campbell.
2) TUESDAY, April 24: Phone survey night at the Campbells’! Just a one-question survey. We will be calling from 5:00 – 8:00 pm. Let me know if you would like to have Chili and Salad with us. 🙂 1111 Springdale Road, Anderson. *Bring your own cell phone. We would love to have a BUNCH of folks this night!! Lots of fun. 🙂
3) FRIDAY April 27: Tea Party-sponsored Senate Debate!! 6 pm at the Anderson Area YMCA. Let Meg (or me) know if you would like a Bryant t-shirt, or come and wear a Bryant lapel sticker!! We would love to have as many, or more, wholesome and polite youth (AND their families!) show their Support for Senator Bryant. 🙂 *Let us do something fun after, like go get ice cream (I think QT has 49-cent cones!! Great for fiscal health, anyway…)
Please let me know if there are other service opportunities in which we may support Conservative candidates and causes.
And….be faithful in prayer! 1 Timothy 2:1-4
Every blessing,
Mrs. Nancy A. Campbell
(864) 367-2928