H. 4639 – I cannot in good conscience support a measure that surrenders SC’s home owners to any kind of international codes regardless of how good or bad they may be.
This bill improves standards for increased energy efficiency in home constructions. What’s wrong with that? It is not governments role to tell you how much shredded newspaper or fiberglass you put in your attic! It’s yours remember?
Here is a perfect example of how the legislature takes a very good idea (I’m all for saving money on your gas and electric bill) and forces this decision on the citizenry.
It slaps the owner of property in her/his face in the name of “green”. I’m getting sick of all these “green” initiatives.
It is not, nor never should be the role of government to tell you how to live your own life in your own house.
I apologize for my rant, but I voted against this bill on 2nd reading and asked for a role call vote on 3rd reading (not required) so I could vote NAY twice on this bill.
Ayes: Alexander, Campsen, Courson, Hutto, Land, Lourie, Matthews, Peeler, Reese, Setzler, Anderson, Cleary, Elliott, Jackson, Leatherman, Malloy, McGill, Pinckney, Ryberg, Sheheen, Campbell, Coleman, Hayes, Knotts, Leventis, Martin (Larry), Nicholson, Rankin, Scott, Williams
Nays: Bright, Davis, Grooms, Rose, Bryant, Fair, Martin (Shane), Shoopman, Cromer, Gregory, Massey, Verdin