I’ve had a few constituents contact me about performance or merit pay systems and what’s being considered. Many thanks to the Department of Education for helping me with this information. Here are some performance pay programs that are being used currently:
State of Minnesota: Quality Compensation for Teachers (Q Comp). This is a voluntary program for school districts and charters started in 2005. Performance is measured in five areas: Career ladder/Advancement Options, Job-embedded Professional Development, Teacher Evaluation, Performance Pay, and an Alternative Salary Schedule.
City of Denver, CO: Professional Compensation for Teachers (ProComp). Probably one of the most comprehensive merit-pay systems around. This was actually a deal worked out in 2006 with the teachers’ union and management as a way of curbing step payments to tenured teachers (they would still get time increases, but much smaller than they had been in the past) in exchange for greater opportunities to earn for all teachers.
Read More: http://denverprocomp.dpsk12.org/about/
State of South Carolina: Teacher Advancement Program (SCTAP). This program was started in conjunction with the Miliken Foundation in 1999 through a private grant. The program was expanded with the use of the federal Teacher Incentive Funds, grants established under No Child Left Behind Act. There are several schools in Laurens and Pickens County that use the TAP model. It is voluntary, but has shown to be very effective in getting performance in core subjects, such as math, science, and reading. The average TAP School is higher in free- and reduced-price lunch students. The limitation right now is trying to measure performance of all teachers.