I chaired a LCI (Labor, Commerce, & Industry) sub-committee that gave a favorable report to H. 3042, which allows for the promotion and regulation of Mixed Martial Arts event. You may have seen the most popular promoter of MMA, the Ultimate Fighting Championship. H. 3042 passed full LCI and is now on the Senate Calendar.
MMA shouldn’t be confused with the cage fighting to the death portrayed in the movies. MMA has strict guidelines for drug testing, physical exams, safety precautions. There’s no doubt, MMA has serious risks, but is actually safer than boxing as boxers have a constant repetitive blows to the often leading to permanent brain damage.
05.15.09 update H. 3042 passed the full senate this week without debate or opposition. Since the Senate did not amend the House bill, the legislation goes straight downstairs for the Governor’s approval. Stay Tuned!