Dear Covekeepers (New, Continuing and those who would like to join):
2010 Lake Training Program:
What: Savannah Basin Watershed Management Resources
When: 6:00pm, Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Where: Anderson County Museum (corner of McDuffy St & Greenville Street/HWY 29)
Our educational session will be lead by Rebecca Spratlin, the SCDHEC’s Savannah Basin Watershed Manager.
She will walk us through much of the DHEC’s educational material. This information is important in helping us
fulfill our Covekeeper mission of educating ourselves and our neighbors.
All continuing Covekeepers should attend. All future Covekeepers welcome!
Prospective Covekeepers who can’t attend this week will have other opportunities to participate. The Covekeepereducational program has six sessions a year…our next should be sometime in March (date not finalized).
For detailed directions to the museum, click on or paste this link into your browser: