Last night SC Congressman Joe Wilson shouted “you lie” when President Obama made the claim that illegal immigrants will not be covered in the pending health care bill. I agree we must maintain respect, but when the American people aren’t being told the whole truth, wasn’t President Obama ignoring decorum? Nevertheless, Rep. Wilson has apologized for the outburst and the White House has accepted. End of story.
The real question is this: who’s telling lies? It all depends on what the definition of is is.
President Obama is correct in that the bill contains language prohibiting illegal immigrant coverage in Section 246:
Nothing in this subtitle shall allow Federal payments for affordability credits on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States.
Here’s the problem. There is no verification process for coverage. I’m still researching this, but for now, I can’t find a mechanism to verify citizenship. So technically the president is correct but in reality Rep. Wilson is correct. Unless this bill is amended, illegal immigrants will receive health care coverage.
Its like a speeding limit law with no enforcement provision and no penalty would be practically useless.
There was an effort to make this amendment, yet these efforts were defeated. Hopefully, this occurrence will enlighten the public to demand a change in the legislation.
Here’s a link to the bill. If ya’ll find a verification, please show me.
Also, is offering t-shirts in support of the Congressman