It’s all happening because career politicians control a broken Washington.
As long as members have the chance to spend their lives in Washington, their interests will always skew toward spending taxpayer dollars to buyoff special interests, covering over corruption in the bureaucracy, relationship building among lobbyists, and trading favors for pork – in short, amassing their own power.
It has to stop or we will never rebuild our economy and put America back on top.
That’s why I’m pushing my term limits bill in the Senate and why I’m calling on you to help now. We are recruiting a team of conservatives to stand with us. I need your help finding them today.
We have launched a new volunteer activation center at With Voter Fetch, you can call your neighbors and ask them to sign our Term Limits Petition
It’s incredibly easy. Just visit click here and you’ll be taken to our Voter Fetch page. Register as a new user and you will be emailed access very quickly. Once registered, just pick where you want to call and you’ll be given a script and a list of voters to call from home. You can sit right in front of your computer and make the calls today.
If you’d like more information on how our new volunteer system works, just watch the video at
We really need your help to fix Washington. Please help us build our team of loyal conservatives today.
Senator Jim DeMint
PS – If you’d like to help our cause, but don’t have the time to volunteer this week, we’d very much appreciate any financial contribution you can afford today. My vocal opposition to the liberal Washington special interest groups has really stirred up a hornet’s nest and they’ll be coming after me in next year’s election. Your financial help would mean the world to me.