January 25, 2011 – U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) – DeMint Statement on President’s State of the Union Address
Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) made the following statement in response to President Obama’s State of the Union Address:
“Tonight’s speech should have been called a State of the Stimulus, and the President should have admitted that it failed,” said Senator DeMint. “Two years after the President’s nearly trillion dollar government stimulus, unemployment has increased and remains high, families and businesses are still struggling, and our national debt continues to skyrocket.”
“When the President says ‘investment’ he means bigger federal government and higher taxes. Americans sent a clear message in the 2010 elections. They no longer wish to ‘invest’ in President Obama’s big-spending plans.”
“Instead of growing the federal government, Washington should reduce its control and devolve education and transportation programs to the states that are better handled at the local level.”
“The President spoke of a spending freeze, but we need spending cuts. Not a freeze at record high spending levels. When you’re in a car recklessly speeding toward a cliff, you don’t hit cruise control. You slam on the brakes and reverse course.”
“If President Obama is serious about fixing our nation’s fiscal problems and his call for bipartisanship, he should start by joining Republicans in repealing the partisan ObamaCare law. This government takeover of health care is a threat to our economy and to our nation’s health.”
“The President should also endorse a commonsense Balanced Budget Amendment to require Congress to stop the runaway spending. Congress will never get its fiscal house in order until we are forced to by law.”
“Our nation is still the best and most exceptional on Earth. But America’s greatness is in our freedom and empowerment of the individual, not in the size of government bureaucracies. I hope the President and all Washington politicians heed the call of the November elections that our government must do less, not more.”