The founders of America recognized freedom as the fundamental right given by God to man. They enshrined freedom in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, documents that today sit perilously in the balance between those who would destroy freedom in favor of state control and those who would fight to their last breath to preserve them. Chief among the latter is Senator Jim DeMint.
Senator DeMint reminded us of the fight last week when he told an audience that, “Three years of a Democrat majority and just one year of President Obama have awakened Americans and led millions to become more passionate advocates for freedom.”
The election of conservatives such as Governor Chris Christie in New Jersey and the surge of the fortunes of conservative candidates like Marco Rubio in Florida illustrate what DeMint called “a wave of new Republicans who are embracing the energy and passion of the American people.”
The steady departure from Congress of statists like Chris Dodd reflect the fact that Americans across the land are beginning to realize that they bought a bottle of snake oil.
The statist majority in Washington, mostly located in the Democrat Party but far too often bi-partisan, has made the final push over the last year to destroy the soul of America.
Senator DeMint noted that, “we now see all too clearly that the hope and change the Democrats had in mind was nothing more than a retread of the failed and discredited socialist policies that have been the enemy of freedom for centuries all over the world.”
Government-run health care, the cap and tax energy proposal and the TARP and stimulus bailouts remain frightening examples of the efforts of the statists during the last year to destroy our freedoms and replace them with their vision of America—one of servitude to the government and its army of bureaucrats.
Senator DeMint reminded us that, “our country has been the most prosperous nation in history and exceptional in so many ways because our economy, culture and government were built on principles of freedom that were unique in the entire world.”
Those principles: freedom, justice, faith in God, all as Senator DeMint termed them, “Judeo/Christian convictions,” have weathered the assault from the left for decades. The left now sits ascendant, however, and we must fight or lose forever our birthright of freedom and, indeed, our birthright of America.
Politicians in Washington, and Columbia for that matter, can begin the renewal of freedom by heeding two simple words: “STOP SPENDING!” Spending at the state and national level has driven us to the verge of collapse.
Spending in Columbia on every festival and frog jump and local feel good project during the fat years has left us in the lean years with no money for roads or school buses or prison guards or children’s services.
Spending in Washington for bailouts of car companies and insurance companies and local pork projects like a $3 million turtle crossing in northern Florida, a $10 million renovation of an abandoned train station that has been shut for three decades has left us with a $12.4 trillion (that’s with a “T”) debt owned mostly by Chinese—not exactly lovers of liberty.
Senator DeMint reminded us that, “We should all take caution from the biblical admonition from Proverbs [that] ‘the borrower is slave to the lender’… a truth that becomes more apparent for our country every day.” I have no interest in enslavement to my own government, much less the Chinese, but that is the course that President Obama and his statist allies seem bent on pursuing.
Senator DeMint precisely identified the problem when he said that, “You can’t govern from a teleprompter. Just because you are good on TV doesn’t mean you can sell socialism to freedom-loving Americans.”
President Obama, flush with the adulation of Oprah and convinced of his destiny, apparently presumed that a vote for him was a vote for serfdom. The Tea Party movement and its prevalent symbol, the Gadsden Flag, remind us that freedom-loving Americans are jealous of their right and will not easily cede it.
And the best thing is that there are more of us than there are of them.
Senator DeMint has spent his Congressional tenure as a tireless advocate for freedom because he knows that, as one of his bumper stickers declares, “Freedom Works.” Senator DeMint was a conservative when conservative was not cool. Now he deserves the thanks of those for whom he has and will continue to fight.