Now that we’ve got all this legislative stuff is over, I’m finally relieved to get home for four and a 1/2 months of hittin’ the pavement and spreading our positive message of reform. We’ve got a backyard scrap coming as we’ll have to deal with whatever the liberal democrats have in store. We’ll see what the voters decide to do in November, but we’ve never backed down from a brawl with big government whine and cheesers.
You know the good-ole-boy system is a monster, and we’ve been rattling its cage. Those benefiting from the “system” have us in their cross-hairs but we’ve gained ground on them.
We’ve seen some progress in Columbia over the last four years, but we’ve also seen a lot of resistance to change. You know as well as I do that there is still much unfinished business in the General Assembly. I am blessed to have your continued support and am asking for your help again now that re-election is around the corner. With your help, we can continue to challenge the status quo.
Our family values are finally getting the recognition they deserve and that you demand. I have been proud to contribute to victory on a number of issues such as defining marriage in our constitution, getting tough with child predators, combating wasteful spending and returning more money to you—the folks who earned it in the first place.
We must continue to stand firm for the principles we believe in and do what we know God expects of us. We must continue the fight, because our foes surely will not surrender.
We face great challenges in November. Our opposition has declared that taxes are not high enough and has promised to raise taxes. They believe government should grow even faster than the rate we are fighting now. They question our traditional family values and morals and wish to discard them. These liberal views are opposite of what you and I believe in.