S. 20, the immigration bill, was carried over for us to bring up a major restructuring bill, S. 3066. I voted to carry over S. 20 for three reasons. First, we have not seen a copy of a substantial new amendment to S. 20 and need to read and understand it before considering S. 20 further. Secondly, we will have weeks to consider S. 20 when the Senate returns on June 14, 2011, according to the sine die resolution, so failing to consider S. 20 at this time does not mean S. 20 will not pass into law soon.
In contrast, we need to take up H. 3066 now to restructure state government with a Department of Administration, because the sine die resolution does not allow H 3066 to be taken up when the Senate reconvenes on June 14, 2011 or anytime during this year after today. Thus, the only possible way to get H 3066 passed by the Senate this year is to consider it now during the remaining 3.5 hours of today’s Senate session. We cannot consider both H 3066 and S 20 today as there is not enough time to do so. I opt to consider H 3066 today, the last day we can do so this year, and to consider S 20 in two weeks after we have reviewed the new amendment to S 20.