This year, the SCGOP has added two questions to the June 8 primary ballot. The questions are only ADVISORY in nature, and carry no effect in law. The text of the questions is as follows:
Advisory Question 1 – The healthcare reform bill recently signed into law by President Obama requires all American citizens to purchase health insurance or else to pay a fine to the federal government. The legislation also contains tax benefits and other inducements that apply only to certain states, benefits that were apparently designed to persuade those states’ Senators or Representatives to vote for President Obama’s healthcare reform Bill.
Therefore, be it resolved: The South Carolina General Assembly should defend the freedom of all South Carolinians to make their own healthcare decisions by enacting legislation making it illegal to force the citizens of South Carolina to purchase health insurance or participate in a healthcare plan against their will, or to comply with any of the provisions or mandates of nationalized healthcare that do not apply equally to all states.
Do you agree with the resolution above?
Advisory Question 2 – Growth of state spending should not exceed the growth of the economy.
Therefore, be it resolved: The South Carolina General Assembly should enact legislation to limit state spending growth in South Carolina to a growth rate not to exceed the lesser of the annual percentage growth in income of the State’s citizens, or the growth in population plus inflation.
Do you agree with the resolution above?