This 30 second spot was up on a few stations last week.
Evidently, the editors at the Anderson Independent don’t appreciate our message on family values. While copying the State Newspaper
in an editorial about women in government, they inferred that women in SC district 3 aren’t well represented. Incidentally, my wife and daughter (and an unknown amount of unborn baby girls) disagree with the sentiment.
It says:
…”That there is such a disparity in representation when compared to the state’s population should be cause for concern. Particularly when there are lawmakers who have exhibited such a lack of respect for health and reproductive rights for women, including our own Sen. Kevin Bryant, R-Anderson, who was behind the Senate measure to force anyone seeking an abortion to view an ultrasound prior to the procedure.
It was the “requirement,” the presumption that any woman seeking an abortion hasn’t given it more thought than any man can ever imagine, that gave us pause.”
At least they could have mentioned that the outgoing ladies of the Senate, Sen. Catherine Ceips (she was in the House last year) & Sen. Linda Short voted for the bill.