Question #2: The South Carolina Department of Transportation estimates more than $26 billion is required to fix South Carolina’s crumbling roads and bridges. Should gaming laws be modernized to fund the repairs instead of a tax increase?
County Percentage of Yes Votes on #2
Abbeville 83.95% Aiken 78.48% Allendale 79.37% Anderson 79.98% Bamberg 84.02% Barnwell 80.84% Beaufort 77.93% Berkeley 83.59% Calhoun 83.33% Charleston 82.68% Cherokee 80.81% Chester 88.14% Chesterfield 83.23% Claredon 83.97% Colleton 82.76% Darlington 79.20% Dillon 80.52% Dorchester 78.22% Edgefield 84.86% Fairfield 86.67% Florence 81.71% Georgetown 77.81% Greenville 79.61% Greenwood 79.96% Hampton 82.72% Horry 78.34% Jasper 82.96% Kershaw 76.76% Lancaster 78.28% Laurens 80.61% Lee 84.82% Lexington 81.10% Marion 79.61% Marlboro 78.79% McCormick 83.10% Newberry 81.94% Oconee 68.65% Orangeburg 85.26% Pickens 76.33% Richland 78.18% Saluda 83.95% Spartanburg 80.45% Sumter 84.68% Union 82.34% Williamsburg 86.53% York 79.95%