Mr. Ernest Bagwell’s remarks after a mugger got away with his wallet: “It looks like he won the first round. But he’s welcome to come back for round number two. We’ll see who wins this time.”
Anderson Independent Mail – ANDERSON COUNTY — After a young man standing an arm’s length away pointed a gun at his chest, 76-year-old Ernest Bagwell wrestled him to the ground.
Bagwell was standing in his open-sided garage when the man parked his car in the road in front of Bagwell’s driveway and silently walked up, surprising the homeowner.
With a handgun, possibly a .45-caliber, pointed straight at his chest from about a foot and a half away, Bagwell reacted and grabbed his mugger’s wrist.
“I was keeping the gun pointed away from me and he was trying to pull it back,” Bagwell said. “Like I said, I ain’t gonna give up without a fight.”