On Thursday night, CNN brought a truck in my driveway. I was on Paula Zahn Now at 8PM. The topic was H. 3355, a companion bill to my S. 84 which prompted Representative Greg Delleney to introduce a version in the House and here we are. Rep. Delleney’s bill, received 2nd reading on Wednesday (3/21) with a vote of 91-23, received 3rd reading Thursday 3/22 and has been referred to the Senate Medical Affairs. Chairman Harvey Peeler has agreed to allow me to serve on the subcommittee for detail work on amendments and such.
ZAHN: Should a woman who is going to have an abortion be forced to look at an ultrasound picture of the fetus before she goes through with it? We’re bringing that question “Out in the Open” tonight because just hours ago, South Carolina’s House passed a bill to make that law, and the state Senate probably will approve it quickly.
Abortion opponents may hope this persuades women not to go through with abortions, but supporters of abortion rights say it’s just plain intimidation.
With me now, state senator Kevin Bryant, a Republican who’s sponsoring the bill.
Thanks so much for being with us tonight, Senator.
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