The list of holders of Concealed Weapon Permits is public knowledge. The state keeps a database of these CWP holders and is required to give this information out when a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request is given.
H. 3528 is a bill that will make the database of permit holders private.
Last week, The State Newspaper printed a list of Legislators that may carry a concealed weapon. Personally, I don’t mind my name being published, but the privacy should be protected of our citizens permitted to carry a handgun. H. 3528 passed the Senate with amendments last week. Hopefully, the bill will get to the Governor’s desk for his pen.
Legislators who can pack heat
S.C. lawmakers who either have concealed weapons permits or can carry concealed weapons because they’re retired law-enforcement officers. This information was obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request.
House: Paul Agnew, D-Abbeville; Jimmy Bales, D-Richland; Bruce Bannister, R-Greenville; Robert Brown, D-Charleston; Alan Clemmons, R-Horry; Bill Clyburn, D-Aiken; Ralph Davenport Jr., R-Spartanburg; Jeff Duncan, R-Laurens; Marion Frye, R-Lexington; Laurie Funderburk, D-Kershaw; Mike Gambrell, R-Anderson; Chip Limehouse III, R-Charleston; Lanny Littlejohn, R-Spartanburg; Dwight Loftis, R-Greenville; Joseph Mahaffey, R-Spartanburg; James Merrill, R-Berkeley; Dennis Moss, D-Cherokee (retired S.C. Highway Patrol); Phil Owens, R-Pickens; Michael Pitts, R-Laurens (retired law-enforcement officer); Ted Pitts, R-Lexington; Rex Rice, R-Pickens; Bill Sandifer, R-Oconee; Wallace Scarborough, R-Charleston; Bakari Sellers, D-Bamberg; Phillip Shoopman, R-Greenville; Gary Simrill, R-York; Garry Smith, R-Greenville; Jim Stewart, R-Aiken; Mac Toole, R-Lexington; David Umphlett, R-Berkeley
Senate: Kevin Bryant, R-Anderson; Chip Campsen, R-Charleston; Catherine Ceips, R-Beaufort; John Courson, R-Richland; Ronnie Cromer, R-Newberry; Jake Knotts, R-Lexington (retired law-enforcement officer); Glenn Reese, D-Spartanburg
Ya’ll may know my problems with Big Brother’s databases from previous posts.