Today, I recieved a report from the director of Labor, Licensing, & Regulation. This report contains information on need for reform. The goals of the agency are reduce fees and decrease onerous regulations. In other words, get Government out of your wallet and our of your decision making process. Y’all know I’ve always been in favor of the open market drivin by consumers to be the regulator when possible.
Intelligent River
The Intelligent River technology will be implemented by Dr. Gene Eidson of Clemson University. Recently, The Other Funds Committee approved a transfer of private fund for this projectThe Intelligent River®, a research program of Clemson University’s Institute of Applied Ecology, seeks to transform the science and business of managing natural resources. The Intelligent River® software and hardware architecture provides 24/7 access to data from sensor networks measuring a wide variety of environmental parameters. The program web site,”
The Intelligent River®, developed by an interdisciplinary team, has the goal of creating a highly efficient and cost-effective real-time remote data acquisition system to observe unprecedented amounts of data. The most ambitious project is to create the world’s first “automated river”. In 2011, the National Science Foundation awarded the team a Major Research Instrumentation Award to deploy the Intelligent River® instrumentalong the 312-mile Savannah River — from the headwaters in North Carolina to the port in Savannah. The instrument will collect water quality and quantity data and aggregate data from many sources into one functional database that will populate river operational models. At the center of the Intelligent River® technology is a novel patent-pending networking platform called a “MoteStack” which collects, stores, and transmits data at a scale that until now was cost-prohibitive. The data is critically needed to improve water resources management as demand increases for drinking water, hydroelectric power, recreation and industrial production. The grant announcement on the NSF website reads: “It is evident that the growing mismatch between water supply and demand impacts us all: USA watersheds are in peril! This project does something about it with support from EPA and USACE (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers). Within the reach of environmental science, this work explores the connections among land use, energy production, climate effects and water resources applying information and computing systems.” James D. Giattina, EPA Region 4 water protection division director, said, “The proposed watershed-scale monitoring instrument will directly enhance our efforts to monitor water quality and manage watershed factors that impact water quality in real time. This constitutes a critical innovation as our waters face increasing pressures from drought, development and emerging pollutants.” “The technologies being developed will enable us to more adaptively manage the river by optimizing water resource allocation while minimizing impacts on the environment,” said Col. Edward Kertis, former commander of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Savannah District. “We will be able to refine our releases based on changes in water quality, ecosystem functionality, habitat availability and human effects. The new generation of data-collection platforms could potentially be adopted by every Corps of Engineers water-management office across the country.”
Obama got it right in 2006
“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America ‘s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America ‘s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that, “the buck stops here.’ Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”
~ Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006
jMint: A Shameful End to the Year
A Shameful End to the Year
by Jim DeMint
The hard choice Democrats have given Republicans has paid off for the big-spenders again.
Refusing to work together to cut spending, Democrats demanded that Republicans compromise with them to increase spending, or shut down the government.
As a result, Congress rammed through a 1,000-page, trillion-dollar omnibus spending bill that lumped 9 different appropriations bills in a single package at the very last minute rather than debating, amending, and voting on these bills in a transparent manner.
Spend more and pass this bill, the Democrats said, or force the government to close its doors. They said the same thing this past summer when President Obama insisted on a $2 trillion increase to the debt ceiling and during the budget fight in the spring.
Sadly, it’s a tactic that keeps working. Witness the final votes members of Congress took this year.
Republicans have pledged to cut spending and quit passing legislation no one had read, but that’s exactly what members of Congress did before leaving for their Christmas vacations. The 2012 omnibus increased spending by more than $18 billion over 2011 levels. Once that bill is signed into law by the President, the total tab for all twelve 2012 appropriations bills will be more than $1.8 trillion, a nearly $21 billion increase over 2011 spending.
It’s become a cynical yearly tradition in Washington to delay the big-spending votes until just before Christmas. After all, it’s how Democrats in the Senate passed ObamaCare. Members of Congress are now hurrying home after the vote without much talk, but it should not be forgotten. It represents a shameful end to a year that began with many bold assurances.
After the 2010 midterm elections, Republican promised to cut $100 billion from the federal budget. House Republicans did pass several appropriations bills to cut spending, but they ultimately died in the Democrat-controlled Senate.
The cuts never came. In fact, spending went up! Under no circumstance can a spending increase above last year’s levels be considered a cut. That promise to cut spending has been broken.
Republicans also promised to post all legislation online at least 72 hours before a vote. This 1,000-page omnibus spending bill was posted online Thursday morning, without an official Congressional Budget Office Score showing what it would cost, and rushed to a vote on in the House on Friday afternoon. This wasn’t the only bill members of Congress voted on without knowing how much it would cost. The Senate voted on a package to extend the payroll tax cut and unemployment benefits for another two months on Saturday morning. When it was sent to the floor for a vote, the CBO had still not scored it.
Moreover, the omnibus spending bill did nothing to defund ObamaCare, which continues to be rejected by the overwhelming majority of Americans. It continues to pay for the massive bureaucratic machinery that will ultimately takeover the healthcare system once the bill is fully enacted in 2014.
It also funds abortion in America and around the world, a practice Republicans pledged to stop. The omnibus appropriates $35 million to the United Nations Population Fund, $575 million for international family planning, and $297 million for Title X family planning, which is a direct funding source for America’s largest abortion provider Planned Parenthood. At one time, the bill defunded Planned Parenthood and reinstated the Mexico City Policy, which prohibits U.S. tax dollars from funding abortion overseas, but those provisions were removed from the final version of the spending bill.
An earlier version of the spending bill also contained protections for health care professionals who, as a matter of conscience, do not wish to participate in abortions. But, again, those protections were removed from the final version of the bill.
This is not what Americans voted for in the 2010 elections. The 2010 election was not a mandate to recklessly spend trillions on secret bills that fund offensive and immoral causes.
The simple fact of the matter is that Democrats will always push to spend more. It’s the Republicans’ job to make them stop. A party that refuses to engage in the very practice of writing and passing a budget, as the Democrats have neglected to do for years, cannot be rewarded with massive, year-end spending binges.
Republicans must find the nerve to put an end to such malpractice. Washington simply cannot continue to spend with impunity. If Congress does not reverse its disastrous course willingly, outside forces may ultimately cause a crash of epic proportions. Washington tested its limits during the financial meltdown of 2008 and instead of resolving the root causes of that crisis, politicians made almost everything worse.
The risk that Uncle Sam is now taking with taxpayer money makes Jon Corzine look cautious. Will those in office now be able to tell their children and grandchildren where the money went? The answer is no.
I opposed both of these bills. We don’t have a temporary economy and we can’t continue operating on temporary tax policies. We need permanent tax reform that eliminates special interest carve-outs and lowers rates for everyone. We cannot keep extending unemployment insurance for up to two years of benefits, which encourages chronic joblessness. And we will never balance the budget by passing bloated appropriations bills that keep spending more than the year before.
We, as elected politicians, must do what we say. Our country is rapidly approaching dire consequences and Republicans must be willing to do everything possible to save this country.
s. 1050: drug testing for unemployment benifits? US may back SC’s effors
S. 1050 is a bill that I’ve pre-filed co-sponsored by Senator Dick Elliot (D-Horry County). It calls for an applicant for unemployment benefits to pass a drug test. My logic? Those currently working are susceptible to a drug test to keep their job, why shouldn’t those seeking unemployment benefits have the same requirements?
The legislation below passed the US House last night. Congressman Mick Mulvaney was instrumental in its passage.
Section 303 of the Social Security Act is amended by adding at the end the following:
`(k)(1) Nothing in this Act or any other provision of Federal law shall be considered to prevent a State from–
`(A) testing an applicant for unemployment compensation for the unlawful use of controlled substances as a condition for receiving such compensation; or
`(B) denying such compensation to such applicant on the basis of the result of such testing.
`(2) For purposes of this subsection–
`(A) the term `unemployment compensation’ has the meaning given such term in subsection (d)(2)(A); and
`(B) the term `controlled substance’ has the meaning given such term in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802).’.
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