Dear Constituents,
Thank you so much for your interest in the legislative process. I have received numerous Freedom of Information Act Requests for information regarding the recent Debate on H. 3066, legislation that creates the department of administration. Pursuant to Section 30-4-40(8) of the South Carolina Code correspondence from constituents or the work product of Senate staff are not subject to this requirement, however, I have disclosed communications from other government officials that were involved in the debate. Here is a link to view the letters from the Governor’s Office and the Treasurer’s Office.
Also, I have included links the Senate Journals to see how I voted on the numerous roll call votes in the amendment process of H. 3066. If you visit this link, you will find the history and full text of H. 3066, the Department of Administration bill that is the subject of your inquiry. This page also includes links to the Senate Journal for the entire debate in the Senate. You can also visit here for links to the thirty-one roll call votes the Senate has taken on this bill. Further, you can visit here for links to the fifty-seven amendments to this bill that were considered by the Senate. All of these pages will be contemporaneously updated if and when further action is taken on the bill.
If you do not have internet access, or need assistance with the database, please feel free to contact our office. Some elected officials may opt to disclose constituent correspondence, however, it is my judgment to decline. If you contact my office, it is my belief that the conversation should remain confidential unless you chose otherwise. We often get e-mails, phone calls, and personal meetings from constituents regarding legislation, regulatory issues, and requests for assistance with government services. Whether these are sensitive matters or not, I will let you be the judge.
I have always welcomed public debate since taking office in 2005. Since the beginning I have hosted a website ( allowing for questions and comments for public view. These comments may be signed anonymous or one may include one’s own name. These comments are sometimes complimentary and sometimes critical, however, I allow all comments to remain. Additionally, I’ve hosted a Facebook and Twitter accounts for the same purposes. If you have any further questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact my office.
Sincerely, Kevin L. Bryant