Site Contact: Benjamin Franco , On Scene Coordinator,
2060 Frontage Road, Anderson, SC 29621,
While responding to the American Screw and Rivet Site, OSC Crowley and SCDHEC observed a nearby site consisting of several overturned drums, a dilapidated building, and stained soils. SCDHEC met with the owner of the facility, finding that it was a closed springs manufacturer and the owner was now a hobbyist manufacturing biodiesel. SCDHEC requested that the owner provide cleanup for the spilled materials and requested EPA assistance in addressing the site. OSC Crowley met with the owner, who concluded that he would be unable to undertake the cleanup requests being made. With approved access, OSC Crowley and START conducted a walkthrough of the site, documenting over 100 drums and totes, several more small containers, significant soil staining, discolored vegetation, and one or more fuming drums. In addition to biodiesel, some chemicals found include Barium Chloride, Sodium Cyanide, Arsenic Acis, Hydrochloric Acis, Hydrobromic Acid, Isopropyl Ether, and Picric Acid. START will establish perimeter air monitoring around the site and begin making entries to collect samples for hazcatting. ERRS will mobilize to begin removing impacted soils and establishing a staging area for materials.