Sunday a Bridge on Highway 25 was dedicated to Sen. Billy O’Dell, who happens to be the senior senator in my suite. Interestingly, the bridge is in 3 counties: Abbeville County, Greenwood, & Abbeville Counties. Next session begins Sen. O’Dell’s service for 22 years. Congratulations Billy!
Biography: William Hamilton “Billy” [R]–(Dist. No. 4, Abbeville-Anderson-Greenwood Cos.)– CEO, O’Dell Corp., Inc.; residing at 144 Devon Park, Greenwood; b. Oct. 11, 1938 in Ware Shoals; s. William B. and Sara Francis O’Dell; g. The Citadel, B.A., 1960; m. Aedra Gail Tisdale, 2 children, William B. and Patricia Michelle; VC, School Dist. 51, 1974-81; Dir., Southern Broom & Mop Assn., 1974; Pres., Southern Broom & Mop Assn., 1976; The Citadel Bd. of Visitors, 1981-89; Pres., Ware Shoals Chamber of Commerce, 1985; Dir., State Chamber of Commerce, 1985-88; Pres., Ware Shoals Chamber of Commerce, 1985-86; Dir., State Chamber of Commerce, 1985-88; Pres., Ware Shoals Comm. Foundation, 1985-88; Chm., Ware Shoals United Fund, 1986; VC, Abbeville Dev. Bd., 1987; Piedmont Tech. Bd. of Visitors, 1987-88; The Citadel Bd. of Visitors, 1990-91; Recipient of Palmetto Award, The Citadel, 1994; Hon. Doctor of Bus., The Citadel; CEO, The O’Dell Corp., 1997; Hon. Doctor of Bus., The Citadel, 1997; Small Bus. Legislator of the Year, 1998; Alumni Achievement Award, Camden Mil. Academy, 2000; Legislator of the Year, Dept. of Disabilities and Special Needs, 2001; Bd. of Trustees, Camden Mil. Academy, 2004; Coms.: Fin.; Gen.; LCI; Rules; Invitations; Deacon, Mt. Gallagher Baptist Church, 1977-81; mil. serv.: SCNG, 1956-58; prev. serv. in Sen. 1989-05.