Not too many times do I earn accolades from the State Newspaper, yet I appreciate any compliment that comes this way. S. 970 is a bill that addresses driving while texting:
Cindy Ross Scoppe writes…I counted at least seven bills among the 237 that would outlaw texting while driving; several also limit conversations to hands-free devices. They range from one drawn so narrowly that the grown-ups could still send e-mail messages on their Blackberries (S.991, Sen. Mike Rose) to one that bans any cell phone use by minors and limits adults to hands-free devices (S.954, Sen. Luke Rankin) to a draconian measure that sends drivers to jail if they send messages or read any printed material – on screen or on paper (H.4189, Rep. Don Bowen). A bill by Rep. Garry Smith (H.4206) would keep all kinds of cell phone use legal, but allow it to be introduced as evidence of contributory negligence in any lawsuit involving an auto accident.
Perhaps it might be smart to start with the simple, straight-forward measure by Sen. Kevin Bryant (S.970) that outlaws the one thing all grown-ups should be able to agree should be illegal: texting and e-mailing while driving…