The SC House cut the budgets of the College of Charleston and USC Upstate as a protest to required participation. (Fun Home & How to Become a Lesbian in 10 Days) Here’s a sample of what I’m getting from constituents:
You are my representative in the SC senate. I respectfully ask that you represent me by opposing the use of public funds to continue an openly biased, pro-homosexual agenda and the required reading of pornographic material at the College of Charleston and USC Upstate. I regret that administrators at these schools desire to force-feed such repulsive material to college freshmen, giving them no alternative but to lose credit. And, I am frankly outraged to hear that these administrators act as if they are entitled to public funds with no accountability. The people of SC do not want to pay for this trash in the name of academic freedom (or for any other reason). Still, academic freedom may allow for these voices, viewpoints and material (as repugnant as they are), but academic freedom would not attempt to exclude alternative viewpoints and reading materials from the classroom. As a taxpayer, I consider myself to be their boss. As my senator I consider you to be my representative to them. Please send this message clearly on my behalf. Thank you for your service to the people of Anderson County.
Well said! I support the cuts for the above reasons and more. Our higher education institutions need to focus on one thing: educating our kids for a job. They’ve expanded this role to all kinds of things like economic development and in this case social indoctrination.
By the way, the amendment is not censorship as it bans nothing, it is a simple statement to protect the taxpayers of South Carolina from this kind of nonsense.