July 29, 2011
Fellow Republican Friend, Our South Carolina Republican Party platform states that we “deplore…the accumulation of mammoth national debt which undercuts the general welfare of today’s citizens and future generations” and that “we support a balanced budget amendment to the United States Constitution.” Last night, our entire SCGOP Congressional Delegation stood together to vote our party’s principles. I could not be prouder of Reps. Duncan, Gowdy, Mulvaney, Scott and Wilson who “resisted arm-twisting by leadership” to cut spending, cap government growth and balance the budget. Their example of courage is resonating across the country today. Our Senators and Congressmen in Washington heard the call from everyday South Carolinians who want out-of-control spending to stop, and they urgently need our help. Please call our Republican Delegation and offer support for and endorsement of the difficult position they took in Washington. Also, please consider giving a donation to help our conservative leaders ward off attacks by the mainstream media and liberal Democrats—our delegation is even being mocked for giving prayerful consideration to the debt ceiling issue! Our entire SCGOP delegation fights everyday to secure the blessings of our liberty against attacks from the left. Let them know how proud you are of them for standing firm in their conservative values. Especially Proud Today to be a South Carolina Republican,