The Senate conferees offered 4 “packages” of portions from the House and Senate versions of H. 3245, all of which failed to gather the necessary 4 votes (2 House members & 2 Senate members). Any option would’ve required free conference. Free conference requires 2/3 vote from each body, which is another hurdle. My assumption is that the Senate would probably grant free conference with all three conferees in agreement.
All options contained parts that I can’t agree with, but all options are a positive step towards respecting the rights and liberty of the unborn. I supported all 4 options.
Option A
supported: Senators Hutto, Knotts, Bryant
opposed: Representatives Delleney, Vick, & Nanney)
1.In the case of rape or incest keep the current 1 hour waiting period provided there is a police report.
I don’t agree with these exceptions, however, a police report would prevent this excuse from being abused. Abortions in these cases are at most 2%. Even though I don’t agree with theses exceptions, I compare it to 100 people drowning. You have a life boat that seats 98. Wouldn’t you send out the boat?
2.Allow for an abortion after 1 hour in the case of “medical necessity”.
Define “medical necessity” as “a diagnosis based on the good faith judgment of the attending physician and one additional consulting physician, who shall not be related to or engaged in private practice with the attending physician, that the embryo or fetus has or will inevitably suffer an intrauterine natural death.”
This language would’ve needed to be tightened up to prevent abortion clinics from abusing this exception. Many good suggestions were made in our discussions.
3.Allow an ultrasound to be performed at another facility at least 24 hours of the abortion.
4.Require informational materials to be downloaded from the internet at least 24 hours prior to the abortion. Information will include where to get a free ultrasound, how to calculate the gestational age of embryo and information concerning role of genetics of parents. DHEC’s website will be based on the Michigan Department of Community Affairs website – including the date/time stamp.
Please take a look at this amazing website. DHEC has agreed to update its website modeled after Michigan’s and allow providers of free ultrasounds (Crisis Pregnancy Centers) to be listed.
5.Require the doctor performing the abortion to report to DHEC which waiting period (24 hour, or 1 hour) applies to each abortion.
Option B
supported: Senators Bryant, Representatives Vick & Nanney
opposed: Senators Hutto & Knotts and Representative Delleney
1.In the case of rape or incest keep the current 1 hour waiting period provided there is a police report.
2.Allow for an abortion after 1 hour in the case of “medical necessity”.
3.Require the ultrasound to be performed at the abortion clinic at least 24 hours prior to the abortion.
4.Require abortion clinic to give written materials to the woman.
5.Require the doctor performing the abortion to report to DHEC which waiting period (24 hour, or 1 hour) applies to each abortion.
Option C
supported: Senators Hutto, Knots, & Bryant
opposed: Representatives Delleney, Nanney, & Vick
1.In the case of rape or incest keep the current 1 hour waiting period provided there is a police report.
2.Allow for an abortion after 1 hour in the case of “medical necessity”.
3.Allow the ultrasound to be performed at a health care facility, crisis pregnancy center or abortion clinic at least 36 hours in advance.
4.Require informational materials to be downloaded from the internet at least 24 hours prior to the abortion.
5.Require the doctor performing the abortion to report to DHEC which waiting period (36 hour, 1 hour, or medical necessity) applies to each abortion.
Option D
supported: Senator Bryant
opposed: Senators Hutto & Knotts, Representatives Delleney, Nanny, & Vick
1.In the case of rape or incest keep the current 1 hour waiting period provided there is a police report.
2.Allow for an abortion after 1 hour in the case of “medical necessity”.
3.Allow an ultrasound to be performed at another facility within 24 hours of the abortion. Require an ultrasound to be performed at the abortion clinic 4 hours prior to the abortion – and at least 20 hours
after the informational materials have been downloaded with the date/time stamp.
4.Require informational materials to be downloaded from the internet at least 24 hours prior to the abortion.
5.Require the doctor performing the abortion to report to DHEC which
waiting period (24 hour, or 1 hour) applies to each abortion.