Here’s a first time I’ve gotten a pen that’s signed a bill.
I supported and fought for this legislation for one simple reason. An unborn child is a person just like you and me. We must do what we can in South Carolina to recognize and cement the rights of the unborn, and this law is another step in that journey.
The timing of this ceremony is appropriate inasmuch as we very recently suffered the confirmation of Elena Kagan to the US Supreme Court. Justist Kagan will spend the next few decades denying unborn children their constitutional rights. This issue is most important to me when I vote for justices to the South Carolina Supreme Court.
I would also like to commend Governor Sanford for standing up for the unborn child, and thank the countless pro-life activists and crisis center volunteers who stood with us during the legislative debate.
Here’s the Governor’s Press Release:
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, Contact: Ben Fox 803-734-2100
Governor Signs Bill Establishing 24-Hour Waiting Period Before Abortions
Columbia, S.C. – August 18, 2010 – Joined by state lawmakers and pro-life advocates at the Carolina Pregnancy Center in Spartanburg, Gov. Mark Sanford today signed H.3245, a bill establishing a 24-hour waiting period before abortions. The new law requires that a woman considering an abortion be given a full day to review materials objectively explaining what an abortion is and how to determine the age of an unborn fetus.
“I believe life is sacred, and in the debate over when life begins, I think we as a society should always err on the side of life,” Gov. Sanford said. “Given current federal law, I think it’s imperative that a decision of this magnitude only be made with the fullest and most accurate knowledge available. It’s our hope and expectation that this new law results in a substantial decrease in the number of abortions carried out in South Carolina. Accordingly, I’d give credit to Sen. Kevin Bryant on the legislative side, and on the ‘grassroots’ side I’d thank Oran Smith of the Palmetto Family Council, Lisa Van Riper of SC Citizens for Life, Alexia Newman here at the Carolina Pregnancy Center, and a host of others for the work they put into this.”
“This legislation requires 24 hours to expand the amount of information that is being considered before a very important decision concerning the life of a child is made,” Senator and Chairman of the Conference Committee Kevin Bryant said. “I’d thank those in the legislature and concerned citizens throughout the community for helping push this effort, and in the same light thank the Governor for signing this significant legislation that further recognizes the sanctity of life for all.”
In the United States, about a quarter of all pregnancies end in abortion, while in South Carolina around 10 percent of pregnancies end in abortion.