General Assembly Saves 24-Hour Abortion Bill
Waiting Period Gives Day Long Reflecting Period Before Terminating Life
Columbia, SC – June 14, 2010 – With just hours left in the 2010 session, the South Carolina General Assembly passed a bill requiring women to wait 24-hours before having an abortion. Chaired by Senator Kevin Bryant, a conference committee came to an agreement that will lower the number of abortions in South Carolina.
South Carolina is currently the only state in the country to have a one-hour waiting period for abortions – the shortest waiting period of all states with a waiting period. The new law would require a 24-hour waiting period upon printed materials about abortion being given to the patient. Information will also be placed on an interactive website created by DHEC.
The extended period would give women a full day of reflection before making one of the biggest decisions of their lives. The additional time to reflect on the risks of and alternatives to abortion will lower the number of abortions in South Carolina, help protect more unborn children and give mothers more time to consider the health risks.
In presenting the committee report to the Senate, Senator Bryant said, “Each child is a gift from God and a person should truly reflect on their decision before terminating its life. A lot of abortions are made during crisis situations and this new law will simply require mothers to stop and think for twenty-four hours before making such a life altering decision.”
Senators Kevin Bryant (R-Anderson), Jake Knotts (R-Lexington) and Brad Hutto (D-Orangeburg) and Representatives Greg Delleney (R-Chester), Wendy Nanney (R- Greenville) and Ted Vick (D-Chesterfield) served on the conference committee. The bill was pushed through committee by Senate Majority Leader Harvey Peeler (R-Cherokee).
“South Carolina’s unborn children are safer because of the conference committee’s hard work. I’m proud that we were able to pass one of the most common sense bills of the session just in the nick of time,” Majority Leader Peeler said. “I want to particularly thank Senator Bryant for not giving up and forcing the conference committee to come up with a compromise. He personally saved this bill.”
DETAILS – H. 3245 – 24 Hour
Requires a woman to certify the she has received printed materials produced by DHEC 24 hours prior to an abortion.
Materials include:
– List of healthcare providers offering free ultrasounds
– Plainly worded explanation of how to determine gestational age of fetus
– Role of genetics in reproduction
– Forms for certifying you have seen the material
Materials may be printed from DHEC’s website – or requested to be mailed to the woman.
The Conference Report does not require a woman to receive an ultrasound 24 hours prior to an abortion. Current law requires an ultrasound one (1) hour prior to an abortion.