Take a look at 2 websites created recently:
“stand with Jenny” by the Palmetto Family Council: The people of South Carolina, particularly the wives and mothersof the Palmetto State, feel the hurt of this scandal most deeply, and refuse to let this moment pass without taking time to thank and encourage the one person who has been a rock in this crisis:First Lady Jennifer Sullivan Sanford. Friends of Palmetto Family Council are saying loud and clear that Jenny Sanford deserves our thanks and our support. And here’s why…
“Sanford must go!” So far this is an anonymous website: He lied to his wife. He lied to his staff. And he lied to you, the citizens of the State he took a solemn oath to represent. Now, Governor Mark Sanford appears to be defiantly digging in. He is desperately clinging to power. He says he’s determined to stay in office at all costs. And we know he won’t stop at anything if he lusts for something – even if the risk is a constitutional crisis.